• © Crossroad Church 2024 BROWN CREATIVE LLC 0

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Frequently Asked Questions

What time should I show up?
Sundays—Bible study begins at 9:30 a.m. For Men, we meet in the sanctuary, and Ladies meet in a classroom in the Sanctuary building. Our sanctuary building is a single-story brick building. Children meet in the education building, which has little ones on the first floor and grade school on the second floor. This building is a two-story metal building with a brick façade on the lower half. Entry to both buildings is found on the Old Union Road side of the buildings.

Our worship service begins at 10:30 in the Sanctuary.
Wednesdays – We meet at 6:30 in the Sanctuary.

What should I wear?
Whatever you want. We are a come-as-you-are group. You will find people in shorts and t-shirts and others in slacks and collar shirts. We aren’t concerned about what you look like as much as your desire to connect with God. Although you will find very few people with jackets and ties, we really aren’t a formal group.

What should I bring?
Yourself! Family, if you have one! Even a friend if you wish!
And a desire to be encouraged and learn about Jesus.

How long should I plan to stay?
That’s up to you. If you want to come to Bible study, it typically lasts 45 minutes to 1 hour.
Our worship service will typically last until Noon or a little after.

Can I come if?
If you are asking this question, then the answer is Yes! Church isn’t a place for people who are right with God; it’s a place to find God and get right with him. Church is a place for broken people, and we are all broken in some way.

What to expect?
We are a group that Loves God and Loves others. We are not a big church, but we are a loving one; expect to be encouraged, engaged, and hugged (if you don’t want to be hugged, then just say so we respect boundaries). Here, you will hear the Gospel preached and shared. We are far more concerned about being biblically correct than being either socially or denominationally correct. Our church is focused on understanding scripture, how that applies to our lives, and how God changes and transforms our lives for the better.
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Sunday Mornings
Sunday Bible Study: 9:30am
Sunday Service:
Wednesday Bible Study: